Sunday, December 13, 2009

Do All Athletes Wear Jocks

ra ra bell jitters ra bum bum bum \u0026lt;3

I go with my lantern, my lantern with me up there the stars will shine, we shine daunter. My light is used in I go home * sing *

Oh was all light-hearted it? ...

Well, today I was the first time balk at a Christmas coffee (really typical German) after I had made myself before the first time had I am now on 3 Advent bow well after all.

His friends like me and his best friend snogs me already, I guess that's a super good sign and on Facebook, we are already thick web friends still outweigh still currently a feeling of uncertainty ...

I like his friends are somehow me too ... okay zuwieder zuwieder is a bad word, much I do not understand what they say. Much in the way of " you still know Julia from earlier? " to "yes at home and so bla bla bla " ok it is not clear which one should know not all people from all but one a try myself involve little more than " oh Julia is a girlfriend of once-by the way "
HAHA achwas would later I now Garnich I thought it came from the Reeperbahn is a whore ...

well not really I know whether it is or whether I simply a unsexyness blondie feel light compared to the quasi-far miteinnimmt also is not bad if the start so early?

He's like a dog that would get me the ball in the eckligsten pools, but maybe I should just go-it-yourself ...?

I inform Woof Woof ...


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