to philosophize about his eyes would be like water in the Rhine to take or try to, the wheel to reinvent. Numerous quotes, poems and stories were and are written down over his eyes. In part, from the biggest!

eyes ... eyes of what it incredibly difficult to tear his eyes to escape her gaze is almost impossible. You bind a fascinated us toward those same, draw a spell. Dissolution would be in them. A wonderful depth lies in them. The longing desire to drown in those eyes determined, the whole being.
An incredible, honest, adorable radiation effect of a strong magnetic field. Like a black hole, all of which can absorb. Just not in black, but in bright and cheerful as the spring. magic spells, enchant they can, those eyes. Intimacy and affection fill the soul in these eyes, and sometimes when Schalk flashes appear in them, the world lightweight. Once you are then still breaks loose, turning away his eyes from these eyes, only to find a moment later lost in them, then ... yes then this one does, some fever after the heart.
They exist, such eyes.
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