have for some time of me tomorrow, Wednesday's on your mind. Another big step in the future, namely Misters discussed at exactly 13.00 clock and take its start. Just about one year was the so-called "assessment meeting" took place, which has led the kindergarten teacher with us. A definite no negative talk, for heaven's sake, no; on the contrary. Also, I do not fear that it will be tomorrow's. Negative.
enrollment! Such an important word in any way. Control, school enrollment or lower class? Personal, social and physical skills! Tag, which I swirl through my head for weeks, the soul and the heart. Of course I am familiar with Mister's strengths, know and see them almost every day, (the best, fairest, and in general all over the world, for example) and of course I'm also about his weaknesses and what the society as a weakness is in the clear . He is dreamy, sensitive and playful. Still not quite grounded might say. Fortunately, it could you add.
Guided conversations with good people have strengthened me in my opinion in the last few days. In the first (mainstream) class will set a very important foundation, which is based on the following school year ever. This foundation is fragile, shaky, fragile or just generally unstable, it can not really rely on building walls. Point! My heart's desire is that to create a stable foundation and the Mister allowed. It does something of no matter in what class he is building it. Point!
I am definitely aware that all of this as a justification or excuse a previous reading, but it is not 100%. The kindergarten teachers have my full confidence, the Mister is mine and he may have to 200% in me.
you notice it very much that I'm pretty nervoso about tomorrow? Not? Then songwriter's good. Will go wrong.
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