Monday, September 28, 2009

Carmen Electra Hair Straightener

Long time no post

A lso long had no heart pain reported more

After a few hard punches into my heart probably do not feel my pain again write and here hereinzuposten but there are currently more the rose-colored glasses is placed and all peace, joy pancakes, I will make the days probably because my "members" just 2 damned weeks and had had to travel for business once again left me in bed, alone!

Currently HERE langasm towards relationship, while the slow train, but better than garnix.
My birthday was very nice to celebrate with him even though I liked his idea better alternative gift (a soaked in his perfume Soft Toy) as a gift voucher and a map of the future. But the thought that counts so we say it?

all, all he has picked up the ring of his ex-friend, or take one probably rather forget but the whole Rumgeschnüffel has in his private things before me nothing but stress, poor mood and brought grief.

So more soon!

P eace and L ove

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sample Good Greeting In Speech

The "Fast" dream man

M to take more types where it is think "Wow" when they would not be a tiny little thing, he would be perfect. But this tiny little thing so important that it is still not too if you would want.

There is no such one thing with me too. Sporty, NEN hot body, fairly pretty, fairly popular, smart, brings smart NEN good job in the big bucks and ne hammer home. But still somehow not my taste.
Somehow I never felt attracted to him, not more than friendship and he probably immortal for some time in love with me, even though he has denied and said it is only fun I know it's the truth.

Now we were all very very spontaneous on vacation and have met many people and I got to know other types of course and that has not fallen.

Now I am back home from the resort near Africa and the Western Sahara, and he goes on holiday back to water.
Now comes this morning at 3.00 the following SMS:

" Hey Sweet:) I'm now on the way to the airport and wanted to write you something I'm really sad grad Somehow I had hoped so much that it is between and.. but NEN klitzebißchen transmits, and you give me a half a chance. I had really given everything everything everything you were my friend had an absolute dream. Instead, get these other catcher (he says me) or Knutscher from you: (:. (Have really never been less attractive as DIR towards me feel that is somehow an unjust fate I myself as well too long something (4.5 years shown us) me and the other closed in order to show you how much I would have had you but as a friend. I write to you not to make you feel bad (I do) , but probably do that for me, to name Haaken behind .. hope you make the grade Sounds goofy, but you know what I mean I love you, damn you, my angel The one who gets you as a friend, you really deserve hopefully kiss and pushers;.. * Your ********* "

added Yes to me then my first morning spoils. It was really heartbreaking because you get to hear something not every day now I'm also afraid of what will become of our friendship even though I often deny but somehow is something special, because so much I often complain about him and about him leave out so much I have him as often as he helped me when I felt bad and I tried some advice to give.

We'll see...

P eace and L ove